
It’s June, the very first day thereof!

June — a month with lots of weddings and, presumably, lots of kissing going on.

The sun was rising this morning when I went out to feed the cats, let the hens out, and unchain the dog.

“Kissed by the Rising Sun,” I thought, “makes a good title for a blog post of some photos.”

So I went back in for my little Kodak Easy Share CX7330 digital camera.

Here is my first selection:

Sun kissed rose

Sunkist rose near Yoder, Oregon

Early sunshine on grape vine

Rising sun shining on dog dish and chain

Leaves catch rays of the rising sun near Yoder, Oregon

Yoder, Oregon: Rising sun strikes dead flower

Near Kropf Road near Yoder, Oregon: Faucet and hoses catch the rising sun

Thank you, Lord, for beauty all around!

And thank you, too, for the rising sun once again.

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Above all, love God!