Ireland Blasphemy Law

One of my friends from Hopewell Mennonite Church recently moved to Ireland. So this story caught my attention this morning:

Ireland’s new blasphemy law labeled return to Middle Ages

The Irish government plans to bring into force a new law in October that critics say is a return to medieval justice.

The legislation, aimed at providing judges with clear direction on the 1937 Constitution’s blasphemy prohibition, imposes a fine of up to 25,000 euros – about $39,000 – for anyone who “publishes or utters matter that is intentionally meant to be grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion.”

Police with a search warrant will be able to enter private premises and use “reasonable force” to obtain incriminating evidence.

1 thought on “Ireland Blasphemy Law”

  1. The scarey thing about this is it falls in line with the “tolerance movement”. This is having an effect through out the world.
    In Australia, 2 preachers were sentenced to 6 years in prison (each) for “blaspheming” Islam and Allah, simply because they read portions of the Koran aloud (showing it absurdity, and comparing how it goes against the Bible).
    This globalistic attitude — offend no one — will of course ignore the sensitivities of Bible believers. After all, no one really believes the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, authoritative only Word of the one, true God, do they?!
    May the Lord help us to “speak the truth in love” boldly, for His sake.


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