Irate Iranians


I just saw this photo on Drudge:

That is such a sad photo, if you stop and think about it well.

What hope is there for them?

Are they even alive yet?

The unrest and violence and efforts-at-revolution in Iran remind me again of my immense blessing at living in the United States. Why me and not they?

And I wonder again, how are God’s people faring in Iran? Right now?

And how many of God’s people in the USA are praying for those in Iran?

And how many other countries are experiencing this kind of chaos…but just aren’t getting the attention?

Now another thought: Will this mess cause Iran’s leaders to launch some sort of strike against Israel in an effort to turn national disunity into national unity?

And another thought: If Iran’s leaders determine they are on the way out, will they try to take out Israel with them?

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…and of Persia!

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Above all, love God!