Illustrating News

Putting pertinent photos with a story adds impact and helps understanding.

So here’s a story about the US-Mexico border fence. And the story begins in Nogales, split between Arizona and Sonora.

Well, folks, I’ve been in Nogales lots of times in the course of fifty years or so. (Granted, some of those years I was too young to notice much.) The photo accompanying this paragraph is not Nogales!

Border fence at Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora? No!

I know, I know — the story makes no claim that it’s Nogales. But still.

So I let’s take this in a totally different direction.

Is the person in the photo a drug smuggler coming north or a gun runner going south?

Or is it an Islamic terrorist sneaking into the States or an illegal immigrant fleeing back to Mexico after murdering someone in the US?

Source: High Country News

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