Ice in Coffee


I like my Nescafé Clásico hot, with a slosh of milk added for my innards’ sake (and to soften the coffee flavor down to my ET — Enjoyability Threshold).

But this afternoon — since it’s plenty warm about — I impulsively decided to make myself some iced coffee.

In order to stave off any frenzied emails asking for my secret recipe, I shall forthwith divulge the process by which I made my caffeinated concoction.

  1. Dump coffee crystals into mug.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Add boiling water (for nigh-to-instant dissolution of aforementioned crystals — both kinds).
  4. Stir vigorously to finish off the “nigh-to” part of above dissolution.
  5. Add milk if GI tract (including the tasting portion) demand it.
  6. Add ice cubes.
  7. Stir.
  8. Wait.
  9. Stir.
  10. Wait.
  11. Drink.

Serves: one

Notes related to two of the above steps:

#6 — Easy does it. Ice cubes are slippery. My first one got away from me and plopped into my drink when it should have slipped in. Result: clean-up time.

#11 — I skipped a few steps between this one and previous one. I actually had to repeat the 7-8 and 9-10 sequences a few more times, but I was trying to make a long story short.

Post-impulse analysis: Not again. At least not that way. I never did get the drink to the truly Iced Coffee stage. It was a very ungratifying way to drink coffee, in part because I had to wait so long.

Maybe next time I should use my Mr. Coffee Iced Tea maker! 😯

(Hey, ITF, how did I do with a food-related post?)

3 thoughts on “Ice in Coffee”

  1. I don’t care how hot it gets. NEVER ever will I drink iced coffee again. YUCK, YUCK YUCK!! Yup, it was so bad, I had to use a lot of CAPS. .

  2. It was interesting, and fascinating in a slightly disquieting kind of way. Coffee is bad enough hot, it sounds even more atrocious cold!

    But I think you’re on to something there at the end, you should definitely head in the direction of Iced Tea!

    I’m having a glass right now.


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