Half Alive?

Circuit City died.

This morning, in my email, this:

Circuit City email

So it sounds as though they’re now an online-only enterprise. Does that mean they’re half alive?

Probably not.

They set up a page on Twitter — so they must not be too dead. Check this out, though:

Early Circuit City Twitter page

Only 20 updates and 516 followers!

Well, I upped that to 517.

(Update: Oooops. I messed up the graphic. Til I fixed it, the number of followers had changed.)

They even have some good We’re Back from the Dead deals. Here’s one that I actually added to my cart:

Transcend TS4GJFV30 JetFlash USB Flash Drive - 4GB -- on sale at Circuit City for $2.99
check it out!

Four gigs! (Mine is 512. Megs, that is.)

At $2.99, I’m guessing that’s a Really Good Deal. But I’ve never heard of Transcend before. And paying $6.99 for shipping kinda takes the Really Good out of the Deal. Even if I took that DVD bundle as well — which is quite enticing to me, too.

So, even though I signed up for an account, no sale.

Oh, hey — I was surprised that I had to open an account. It didn’t let me sign in using my old Circuit City account. In fact, it didn’t even recognize my email address.

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