Favored: Fathima Rifqa Bary

The judge has ruled:

Rifqa Bary, a Christian convert whose parents are Muslim immigrants from Sri Lanka, will remain in foster care in Florida until another hearing is held Sept. 3.


Florida’s Gov. Charlie Crist weighed in on the mater Friday with the following statement: “I am grateful to Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson for his decision to grant Fathima Rifqa Bary the right to remain in Florida. … We will continue to fight to protect Rifqa’s safety and wellbeing as we move forward.”

Source: Runaway Christian Convert to Stay in Florida for Now, Judge Rules

Over at Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller begins her post thus:

Rifqa has been given a reprieve. SHE WILL NOT BE SENT TO OHIO! Praise G-d. She will not be sent back to her terrorized home in Ohio, at least not for now.

If you want to continue following this story, Atlas Shrugs is probably as good a place as any. I do not plan to continue coverage here.

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