Eliminating Fear

Do I know my fears better than you know them? (Says who?)

How shall we then not fear…

  • heights?
  • water?
  • death?
  • conservatives?
  • life?
  • government?
  • fire?
  • public speaking?
  • strangers?

Is that how we overcome homophobia as well? (I need a barfing emoticon for that term! Term, OK? Not people.)

Here’s the headline that precipitates such thoughts: Gays, lesbians in worldwide call for end to homophobia

How do I know I suffer from homophobia?

How do I overcome it?

Here’s another headline this morning: Obama urges “fair-minded” abortion debate

Fair-minded — what’s that?

What does it sound like?

What are some fair-minded words?

And now…to connect the first headline to the second:

Mr. President, world citizens, ladies and laddies: I call for an end to life-o-phobia.

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