Driving in Arizona

No, this isn’t to let you know where I am. Nor is it to post photos taken on an drive through Arizona.

The masked speeder: Photo-radar scofflaw is a beast at the wheel

Speed-camera photos of the man in the monkey and giraffe masks have generated lots of chuckles. But the cops aren’t laughing.

Dave VonTesmar, 47, started getting the $181.50 tickets last year, but it took Department of Public Safety officials several months to realize the same driver was repeatedly triggering speed cameras and refusing to pay the fines. By the time they did, more than 50 of the tickets had become invalid because the deadline for prosecution had passed.


In Arizona, people who get photo-enforcement tickets in the mail have four options: agree they were driving and pay the fine; say they weren’t driving and send in their driver’s license photo as proof; request a court date and fight the ticket; simply ignore the ticket because law enforcement can’t prove alleged violators received it. The ticket becomes invalid if a violator who ignores it isn’t served in person within three months.

That last provision is extremely interesting (and amazing) to me. So if I’m driving home to Oregon from a visit to Mexico and get in photo speeding ticket while transiting Arizona, I don’t have to pay it…unless they serve me the ticket in person?

And that’s the way their photo radar law is set up?

Well, anyway, the story continues:

VonTesmar, who said he simply drives with the flow of traffic, said that if the DPS does have surveillance photos of him on the road, it proves he’s not a danger to other drivers. If he were, the DPS would have pulled him over, he said.

Because the speed cameras begin snapping photos of drivers going 11 mph or more over the limit, the backlash against them has been fairly constant. Arizonans have used sticky notes, Silly String and even a pickax to sabotage the cameras.

I am very picky about staying within the speed limit. I believe that’s how Christians should drive. So the presence of photo radar cameras doesn’t affect my driving. Even so, something about their use just doesn’t seem right.

Oh. And if you were a law breaker and got a ticket, pay it.

PS: This guy works as a flight attendant for which airline? Southwest? Their stewards tend to be clowns. I think.

Oh…and another thing: To get to the full story, you’ll need to go to

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