The Birth and Reception of Jesus
Have we become misdirected in our gift giving?
God freely and generously gave His best to those who had never given Him anything of significant value. God even gave His best knowing that most would give nothing in return. We have become conformed to the world in our Christmas-time gift giving. Has the time arrived when we should come to an agreement in our churches and in our families that we will give their gift and their card to the needy instead? “And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same” (Luke 6:33; see also 14:12-14).
(Written way back in 1992 sometime.)
This follows along with my gift desires on my blog. Give my gift to those who really need it.
I hope others will follow suit.
Thanks, Peter, for pointing us to your related blog post.