Christians Adrift

This is not the faith of our fathers!

Half of Americans who call themselves “Christian” don’t believe Satan exists and fully one-third are confident that Jesus sinned while on Earth, according to a new Barna Group poll.

Another 40 percent say they do not have a responsibility to share their Christian faith with others, and 25 percent “dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches,” the organization reports.

Pollster George Barna said the results have huge implications.

“Americans are increasingly comfortable picking and choosing what they deem to be helpful and accurate theological views and have become comfortable discarding the rest of the teachings in the Bible,” he said.


By a margin of 71 percent to 26 percent adults “noted that they are personally more likely to develop their own set of religious beliefs than to accept a comprehensive set of beliefs taught by a particular church,” the report said.

Nearly two-thirds of “born again Christians” adopted that stance.

Revive us again!

And what are we — what am I — to do about it?

Shall I truly give up in passing the faith along to my own family?

At what point do we say, “The die is cast. Our opportunities are gone. Ecumenicism has prevailed. The perilous times are upon us and it’s every man for himself”?

Or is there no such point?

Faith Undone     The True Christian    Henry and the Great Society

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