Boggle 4


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Our fourth game of Boggle

a reminder of how we play the game here at Ain’t Complicated:

  1. Minimum word length: four letters
  2. No plurals created by adding s
  3. Maximum words per player per day: five
  4. No time limit
  5. Only what you can see

Item 5 means do not use online sources to generate words. This rule applies only for the first two days of the game.

Remember, please: Five words per player per day.


Oh, this is one of the “rolls of the dice” Ruby and Andrew and I played a night or three ago.

11 thoughts on “Boggle 4”

  1. Where did everyone go?


    The next two words I knew but wasn’t sure of the definitions so I looked them up:

    neap (designating tides midway between spring tides that attain the least height)
    sepal (one of the individual leaves or parts of the calyx of a flower)

    This one I knew only from doing crossword puzzles:
    plat (a plot of ground; a plan or map, as of land)

    This one I got from an online dictionary by trying promising combinations of letters:
    notal (the adjectival form of notum, which is a dorsal plate or sclerite of the thorax of an insect)

  2. An easy word I can’t believe no one tried before:

    More words I knew, but looked up to get an accurate definition:

    sept (branch of a clan, in Scotland)
    septa (plural of septum, which is a dividing wall, membrane, or the like, in a plant or animal structure)

    A word I found by looking up likely combinations in the dictionary:
    patine (to patinate, which is to coat with a patina)

    One I found by trying a combination in the dictionary which didn’t work, but suggested this in the list of similar words:
    poboy (variant of “poor boy” which is a hero sandwich, also known as a submarine sandwich, a grinder, or a hoagie, depending on where you live)

  3. I haven’t been here in a while, so I missed this one. I hope Pauline hasn’t taken all the choices!

    Wow! No one used goal!
    Or pest, teal, tonal & goat


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