Boggle 3

It’s time for the next game!

First, though, a reminder of how we play the game here at Ain’t Complicated:

  1. Minimum word length: five letters
  2. No plurals created by adding s
  3. Maximum words per player per day: five
  4. No time limit
  5. Only what you can see

Item 5 means do not use online sources to generate words. This rule applies only for the first two days of the game.

Our third game of Boggle

Remember, please: Five words per player per day.


Oh, this is one of the “rolls of the dice” Ruby and Andrew and I ended up playing last night played a few weeks ago.

4 thoughts on “Boggle 3”

  1. How convenient that you turned them all right side up. Thanks!

    piety, crest, arose, traces (3rd person singular verb form), storey (alt sp. of level of a building)


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