Beaded Image

World's Largest Beaded Photo Mosaic of President Barack Obama -- August 3, 2009

People gather in front of the World’s Largest Beaded Photo Mosaic of U.S. President Barack Obama on display in front of the White House in Washington, August 3, 2009. The project, created with over 372,600 beads by 1000 fourth grade students from across the U.S., was made in honor of Obama’s 48th birthday.

Source: Yahoo! News Photos

A closer up view

Look, I don’t want to be in the Beat Up President Obama camp, OK? OK. But I still find this kind of thing disquieting, particularly when seen in the context of the last eight months or so.

Can anyone point me to a similar display for any recent US President?

If you comment, please keep it civil and respectable.

This was supposed to be posted late yesterday…and I forgot!

2 thoughts on “Beaded Image”

  1. I have to laugh remembering a conversation a friend and I had. It went something like this.

    After noticing Obama on the front page of the paper sitting on her table, I said, “I am not sure I really like some of the things he’s been doing.”

    My friend nods her head in silence.

    “Well, I guess there is nothing more to be said, if we want to stay respectful of the President.”

    We laugh and I change the subject.


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