Time to do some armchair quarterbacking!
By way of introduction, here’s part of the story as reported by The Oregonian:
When times are tight and people are hungry, any kind of waste — even the deep-sixing of a truckload of junk food — is taboo.
That may explain why no one seems to want to take the blame for sending 2,000 cases of snack cakes to the landfill after a Little Debbie truck overturned on Oregon 217 late Monday. |
Read the full story here: Oregon 217 crash sparks debate over wasted Little Debbie cakes
The Oregon Food Bank wanted that food.
So if the decision had been yours, what would have been done with that dumped treasure?
Oh, and while you’re at the article, be sure to read the comments — the comedians were out in force. 🙄
And speaking of comedians, here’s another wreck related story.

First I thought that was just a comic with a funny unexpected twist. Then I realized OnStar is a General Motors product. Then I realized the car’s license plate says GM.
So now I realize it’s a political cartoon. Did the cartoonist mean for us to conclude that President Obama is the OnStar customer service rep?