August 19

14 — Augustus died.

1692 — For five people, the witch hunt ends in Salem, MA.

1812 — The Constitution defeats her adversary.

1848 — Rush tops the news on the East Coast.

1902 — The author of Fleas was born. I think.

1919 — Afghanistan gains full independence from the Mother Country.

1934 — The creation of the position Führer is allegedly approved by the German electorate with allegedly 89.9% of the allegedly-popular vote.

1943 — President Thompson was born. (Sorry, folks, the crystal ball malfunctioned.)

1945 — Ho Chi Minh takes power in Hanoi.

1946 — President Clinton was born, but he wasn’t called that yet (unless it was by God).

1948 — Al Gore’s other half was born. She wasn’t called Mrs. Gore then. Nor Tipper.

1953 — The Iranian military (or was it the CIA? Or both? Or neither?) overthrows the government of Premier Mohammed Mosaddeq and reinstates the Shah of Iran.

1989 -– Polish president Wojciech Jaruzelski nominates Solidarity activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki to be the first non-communist Prime Minister in 42 years.

1991 — Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is placed under house arrest while on holiday in the town of Foros, Crimea. There goes the Soviet Union.

2005 — The first-ever Russian-Chinese joint military exercise begins. They called it Peace Mission 2005. They forgot to include People’s in there somewhere.

2009 — A series of blasts in Baghadad kills at least 75 and wounds at least 300.

So there you are. Enjoy National Aviation Day while you’re at it. Stimulate the economy; buy an airplane.

Most of this I first posted at WorldMagBlog a few minutes ago.

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