An Unhappy Beginning


I had finished doing my coffee, loosing the dog, powering up my computers, and reading my Bible.

I was lowering a pan of hot water and Epsom salts onto the floor under my desk so I could soak my infected toe while working on a Spanish wallpaper based on a verse I’d read in my Spanish Bible just a bit earlier. (Yeah, I know — long sentence.)

When somehow I bumped my old purchased-in-Mexico-City-in-1981 Bible. Down it fell into the pan of hot, salty water. Since both of my hands were busy holding the pan, I couldn’t speedily fish out the Bible….


I’m. Just. Sick.

Oh, I can replace the book. We even sell Spanish Bibles.

But this is a very special Bible to me. How many times I’ve read and studied, preached and taught from it! 🙁

Now it’s ruined.

Maybe it’s supposed to represent the death of a vision, the symbol of a hope gone cold.

Whatever the case, not a happy beginning to a sunny day.

Oh well. 😐

3 thoughts on “An Unhappy Beginning”

  1. Put it in the freezer. A librarian once told me to do this right away after a book gets wet. The freezer draws out the moisture.


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