Abortion: Veracruz Dice No

Life: Veracruz Says Yes

In Mexico’s state of Veracruz, human life begins at conception:

On Nov. 16, 2009 the legislature of the Mexican coastal state of Veracruz passed a law declaring that life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

So, do you think the source of this story is sympathetic or scornful toward the decision? To help, here’s more of the article begun above:

Veracruz now becomes the 17th state in Mexico to criminalize abortion in a string of hotly contested and reactive measures set off by Mexico City’s April 2007 legalization of abortion.

The reforms to the Veracruz State Constitution include a last-minute stipulation by the National Action Party PAN that women who illegally obtain abortions can avoid jail time by accepting medical and psychological treatment.


The debate in Veracruz, fueled by passion and anger, is characteristic of the larger fight throughout Mexico on the issue of abortion that spans the personal and the political. The abortion wars in Mexico involve political issues, such as the direct intervention of the Catholic Church in a secular state, and health issues deriving from the high incidence of complications from clandestine abortions.

On a personal level, the abortion debate forces the society and politicians to examine the hidden implications of stringent abortion policies and clandestine abortions on the health and lives of Mexican women.

If you’re still not sure where the article’s author stands, here’s the title: Mexico’s Abortion Laws: A Step Backward for Women’s Rights.

Therefore, laws that ban organ sales could be announced in articles similarly titled?

For example, US Organ Sale Laws: A Step Backward for Human Rights

Well, anyway, I’m thankful to believe that human life begins at conception.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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