Written in the Stars?

A Frame of Reference for the General Election — full of boring concepts to the uninterested and uninitiated. Whether I’m an un or an in I shall not reveal. And whether you’re one or the other, consider these two paragraphs:

What does this mean for November?

Ultimately, it comes down to whether human agency can affect processes that are largely governed by macro conditions. Presidential elections are one such process. We know they are governed in part by vague, impersonal forces. To what extent are they also governed by the actions of human beings? We have seen both parties try to influence this election. Both have positioned themselves in light of what they know. Will their positionings make a difference, or is the outcome already written in the stars?

The outcome is already written.

In the heart of God.

The identity of the next President of the United States has long been known to God.

As is what He will accomplish through him (or her).

I’m curious to see whom the Almighty will set up this time.

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Above all, love God!