What’s the Point?

Dead Heat (Political Thrillers Series #5)

Today I finished reading Joel C. Rosenberg’s latest “Christian” novel, Dead Heat.

It’s interesting.

Especially since the author seems well-connected and in-the-know. And at times he could seem remotely semi-prophetic (in a forth-telling sort of way).

But what’s the point and purpose of the novel?

And why would Christians kill or order the deaths of others?

And why did Mr. Rosenberg include an extremely brief — part of a sentence, as I recall — mention of passionate physical intimacy between two of the main characters?

Most importantly to me, perhaps, is something far more personal — Why did I read the book?

Oh my.

2 thoughts on “What’s the Point?”

  1. So..was it a waste of time? I’m an avid reader but haven’t read any of his.

    Usually a story would stand without the “passionate intimacy” and the swear words. None of this makes the story more realistic to me.

  2. Perhaps you need to ask Mr. Rosenburg instead of asking everyone to speculate… but what fun would that be right? 🙂 I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to come hear him at Rolling Hills..I know you were in Mexico but we were blessed to have him there. I haven’t’ read the book yet…Cole has… even had him sign his copy 😉 I can tell you that havign heard him speak twice and having actually shook his hand and chatted briefly with him the second time, Joel is one of the most down to earth approachable somewhat famous person that I know… ok I don’t know very many even somewhat famous people but still… 🙂 ..am I defending him without reading the book… not really.. but I will stick my neck out and defend him as a Christian…(I amnot sayign that you are challanging his Christianity) …but it is your right to simply raise the question for consideration… 😉


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