That’s the question.
But I have something different in mind with it than you might expect.
So read this first:
Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in unprecedented waves of airstrikes Saturday, killing at least 155 and wounding more than 310 in the single bloodiest day of fighting in recent memory.
As you were “inputting” this information into your head, what came next?
I don’t mean what comes next on the ground in the Middle East.
I mean, after you learned of the above airstrikes, what came next in your thoughts and attitudes?
- Approval?
- Sadness?
- Anticipation?
- “It’s about time”?
- “That’s how you fight a war on terror”?
- Anger?
- Vengefulness?
- Worry?
- “Were they ready to die?”
- “Evil Israelis”?
- “Evil Palestinians”?
There you are; I don’t have time to continue this exercise.
So…what comes next?
(Source: AP via MyWayNews)
Hi, Mark.
Steve Aubrey here, a fellow World Mag Blog follower and occasional poster.
My thought was wondering if this was going to be the big one. I know that God has everything under control, but I also know there’s a big battle brewing in the future.
I have co-workers in Israel, and they seem to be secular as opposed to Orthodox. I haven’t prayed for them in a long time – my error.
I saw the headline where two girls were killed in Gaza because of an errant missile. Families are grieving. The kids were innocent – probably – but not ready to die – probably.
And we continue to have wars, and rumors of wars.
“I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.” “All other ground is sinking sand.”
I hear you, Steve, on the prayer neglectfulness.
As I recall, I also wondered along the lines of “Is this the trigger for the Big One?”
Thanks for your comments and for your closing quotes from the hymn.
Well, strike two has hit, but there’s no guarantee that the third strike will be the last one. In fact, I doubt it.
I don’t often think about what a blessing it is to live in the United States, but it is. We have freedom to practice our religion, and our rights are not (much) curtailed. And we don’t have Mexico and Canada actively trying to wipe us off the face of the earth. I take it for granted far too often.
And to continue a theme: “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done!”