OK, I don’t have time for this. It’s the last day of the year and I have so much business stuff to take care of before midnight.
But even though I don’t have time for this, I surely can take a little break, no?
So on December 11, Rod & Staff sends me a small shipment of three boxes via the brown shirts (and pants and skirts and trucks and Web site and jets and semis) at UPS. Two of them arrive on the 18th.
It’s a minor inconvenience but, oh well, things happen. It’s surely arriving on the 19th, a mere one day late.
Finally on December 24 (yeah, I know, Christmas Eve) I check their Web site.
Shocking! The package is out for delivery on that very day. Even with all the snow and ice. I figured I’d be very surprised to see it. (We live at the top of a tenth mile driveway.)
The next time I checked their site, it was rescheduled for delivery on December 29.
(Now this is getting too long!)
It doesn’t show up. Nor did it yesterday.
Here’s where we presently stand:

And here’s a little more detail:

It’s frustrating to me. We need those books!
On the other hand, I’m a small fish in the fry.
And on the third hand, they’ve done a very good job at getting stuff to me for many years.
So, on the last day of 2008, I say, Thank you, UPS!