The Vista from this View Point

Maybe XP stands for eXtra Precious?

New Study Reveals Developers Prefer XP

In a market where software developers are always looking for the cutting edge, a recent survey revealed that newer is not always better. It turns out that developers prefer writing programs for older Windows operating systems, such as XP, to the newer Vista.


In the second section, a whopping 49% of developers indicated that they wrote for XP, while only 8% focused their energies on Microsoft’s much-hyped Vista.


What this study seems to suggest is that if developers are reluctant to write for Vista, consumers should take note. An operating system that gives developers pause may indicate dark clouds on the horizon for Vista.

Before buying a new computer (Dell, Lenovo, and others), ask for XP instead of the pre-installed Vista.

2 thoughts on “The Vista from this View Point”

  1. I am totally a XP fan… my concern…Microsoft is already making plans to limit or eliminate its support for XP and force people to Vista… bonehead move I think..we will see if enough users revolt to stop the corporate giant.

  2. I’m one of those idiots who decided to try Vista and it’s horrible… XP is def the way to go!!!


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