Sadd and Madd

Was it staged or was it real?! 🙄

School’s SADD funds used to stage drunken party

Drunken teenagers at a party funded by a high school’s anti-drink-driving group have trashed a rural Southland hall.

Bottles were thrown at passing cars and into a children’s playground during the out-of-control party, organised by high school pupils using money from the St Peter’s College SADD Students Against Driving Drunk committee, last Friday.

I wonder what MADD has to say about the matter. (No, I don’t; otherwise, I’d Google the matter.)

Maybe this whole episode was a SADD test. After all, how will you know who’s against driving drunk unless you find out which drunks refuse to drive?

Still…to think SADD organized a drinking party…. 😯

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