For at least a week I’ve had this thought infrequently popping into my head: This is a prime time for a 9/11-style terror strike in the US.
Because of the money crisis.
Because of the deep divisions in the country due to and/or revealed by the electioneering going on.
Because of a soon-to-be-replaced US President.
Because of seemingly-lame leadership everywhere.
Now I see this story (of which I read very little):
Feds launch dragnet to stop ‘October surprise’ attack
For the first time since 9/11, counterterrorism field agents have been authorized to spy on young Muslim men and women – including American citizens – who have traveled to Pakistan without any specific evidence of wrongdoing. |
I still wonder about publicizing this kind of information.
But that aside, who among the citizenry will be watchful and alert and on guard?
(In prayer, that is?)