Learn About Life in the Shoe

Except here they’re out of their shoe and in someone else’s.

And it doesn’t seem to have panned out too well.

But it does make for a funny read.

Here you have the outer edges of the sandwich:

The Great Getaway

Paul and I like to take an overnight getaway in June before our marriage takes its annual battering during harvest in July and August. This time Paul went above-and-beyond and booked a lunch cruise tomorrow on a ship in Portland and a room at the Holiday Inn. Through Priceline of course.

So we checked in this afternoon. The room was on the fourth floor, and beautiful. And cold.


Just a few minutes ago he left again, saying something we couldn’t understand. I don’t know if the drain is fixed or not. He’ll probably be back soon with his toothbrush and pajamas and popcorn and a movie.

Go visit your Holiday Inn for your next romantic getaway, the one with three curved sides, on NE 2nd just across from the Rose Garden.

So there you are — a ringing undorsement of the kind I thought I had posted for the Super 8 in Tucson at West Starr Pass Blvd (but which I can’t find here now).

Paul and Dorcas, I hope today is better. And if that guy showed up again, I hope he brought his interpreter.

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Above all, love God!