Known but to God

I’m not talking about the identity of the remains buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I’m talking about the next President of the United States.

Only God knows whether it will be Obama or McCain or Hillary or Huckabee or Romney. Or Fred Thompson. Or Mark Roth. Or some other unknown-to-us.

Because God will set up whom He will.

McCain may be the Republican frontrunner who, after yesterday, has added to his Inevitability Quotient, but so was Luis Donaldo Colosio on March 23, 1994.

Hillary may have won the California primary, but so did Robert Kennedy.

Am I predicting an assassination that upsets the political applecart? 😯

Of course not. 🙄

God has all manner of ways of setting up whom He will, death by various means being only one of them.

The old stream media may think they’re setting things up.

The conniving politicians may think they’re doing the arranging.

The bloggers and radiotalkers may think they’re going to pull off something (though McCain’s successes yesterday, coupled with Huckabee’s, should put a damper on such thoughts).

The “powers that be” may be using all of the above — plus “tinkerers” who are “adjusting” all those electronic voting machines — to continue “running the show.”

But it’s the sovereign omnipotent God who’s doing the setting up and taking down.

I may not like the choice. But I submit to the Chooser and, thus, rest in His omniscient wisdom.

All glory and honor and praise and obedience and love to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

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Above all, love God!