Keep It on the Road!

[Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way (Proverbs 13:6)]

To live right…live right.

To do right…choose right.

To stay on the road…make that determination.

In other words, deciding to make right choices sure makes it more likely that I will make right choices.

It amazes me to see people (including me) trying to follow Jesus…but making choices (even “little” ones) that don’t contribute to staying in The Way.

Oh, and if you want to see what else I wrote this morning related to Proverbs 13, click the image above. In fact, I wish you would.

(By the way, I took the picture last winter while driving on Oregon’s Highway 26 in the Mt. Hood area. We were on our way to Madras.)

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Above all, love God!