June 6

1944 — The “D-Day” invasion of Europe begins as Allied forces storm the beaches of Normandy, France.

1844 — The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in London.


George Matheson was hurting. It was not physical pain that cut him, or regret for the blindness that had robbed him of sight by the time he was eighteen. Rather, it was anguish of spirit.

It was on this day, June 6, 1882, the day of his sister’s marriage. His family was staying overnight in Glasgow, Scotland, leaving him alone in the Manse (a parsonage). Something happened to forty-year old George as he sat alone there in the darkness of his blindness, something known only to himself, something which caused him severe mental suffering. He never confided to anyone what the problem was, and yet his heart cried out to Christ.

As his heart moaned, words welled up in his mind, words of comfort. “I had the impression of having it dictated to me by some inward voice rather than of working it out myself,” he said later. He jotted the lines down.

O Love that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe,
That in thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.

1925 — Walter Percy Chrysler starts up the Chrysler Corporation.

1933 — The first drive-in movie theater opens.

1968 — Democrat Senator and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy dies a day after he was shot by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.

1752 — Fire consumes one-third of Moscow, the destruction including 18,000 homes.

1833All aboarrrrrd! President Andrew Jackson becomes the first President to ride a train.

1882 — More than 100,000 inhabitants of Bombay die as a cyclone in the Arabian Sea pushes huge waves into the harbor.

1889 — The Great Seattle Fire destroys the entirety of downtown Seattle.

1932 — The first gas tax in the United States adds one cent to the price per gallon.

1990 — US District Court Judge Jose Gonzales rules that the rap album As Nasty As They Wanna Be by the 2 Live Crew violates Florida’s obscenity law; he declares that the predominant subject matter of the record is “directed to the ‘dirty’ thoughts and the loins, not to the intellect and the mind.”


NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, in honor and tribute to the memory of Ronald Reagan, and as an expression of public sorrow, do hereby direct that the flag of the United States be displayed at half-staff at the White House and on all buildings, grounds, and Naval vessels of the United States for a period of 30 days from the day of his death. I also direct that for the same length of time, the representatives of the United States in foreign countries shall make similar arrangements for the display of the flag at half-staff over their Embassies, Legations, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and stations.

2005 — the United States Supreme Court votes to ban medical marijuana.

2008 — I saw a link to a calculator that reveals when your share of Earth’s resources are fully consumed — and thus, when it’s time for you to die. Or at least when you should start buying ERCs (Earth Resources Credits).

4 thoughts on “June 6”

  1. per the above calculator…Oh woe is me…I am distraught of course over the “fact” that I used up my share of the earths resources by the time I was 3.3 years old. I am guilt ridden over the excessive and inconsiderate lifespan that God has granted me….Please….someone…bless me with carbon credits to remove this guilt…

  2. Carbon credits, srs? Carbon credits?! What you need are ERCs. Since I don’t know where you can get those, I suggest you get a Traffic Light Credit as penance instead. To get one of those, find a busy intersection during rush hour and sit there through one green light. Never mind the traffic piling up behind you. Never mind the blaring horns and shaking fists and shrieking voices. Just sit there till the light cycles through red again. Now go do the right thing.

  3. I stand corrected… ERC’s it is, but I am quite sure that carbon credits would at least easy my conscience….or Al Gore’s conscience…or… at least I could live with myself. Hmmmmm.. I do have a few vehicular laden intersections close by that I could use to atone myself per your recommendation…I will think on it.

  4. I will live to be 12. LOL Actually, my husband is doing a lot to the house to decrease energy use. It is just getting too expensive.


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