Jordan Arrests Eight Evangelists

Eight people have been arrested in Jordan for propagating the Christian faith:

Jordanian security forces arrested eight people, mostly foreigners, after they were caught distributing missionary material to Bedouin families north and east of the Jordanian capital, Amman, the Saudi daily Al-Watan reported.

The authorities received information about the missionaries from local residents who said these foreigners were offering humanitarian assistance to poor Muslim families and distributing fliers promoting Christianity.

Sources said they were “enticing” impoverished youngsters by paying them money and calling on them to marry foreign girls.

I have curious questions about this:

  • What was the content of the flyers?
  • From what countries are they?
  • Why would they be doing such activity in a Muslim country?
  • What is their denominational affiliation?
  • Should handing out tracts be kept to relatively safe and friendly locales?
  • Will a letter-writing campaign be launched in their behalf?
  • Will the Jordanian government apologize for religious insensitivity?
  • Are lots of people praying for these evangelizers already?

I know, too many of those are unimportant questions but maybe they’ll make good Google bait.

And a concern (of sorts, anyway): What will become of those eight people?

May the Lord show His grace and strength and glory and love and wisdom through them. May they be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And may God not be ashamed to be called their God.

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