How do you spell all those words?! 😯
Whatever. This story is more important:
Children: I’ll Take That One
There is a horrifying slippery slope here. Where do we draw the line? Again, these babies did not have a debilitating lifelong malady. All they had was a chance of developing an illness. What’s next? Poor eyesight or hearing? How about food allergies? Better yet, why stop at abnormalities? How about insisting they be taller than average, or have superior abilities? While you’re at it, why not also select the eye color and hair color? Don’t just fertilize eleven eggs. Fertilize a hundred, choose the single best one, and destroy the rest. […] We are in an era where science enables us to do wonderful things, but also terrible things. Our public policy must protect life, especially the lives of innocent, unborn children. And we must never deceive ourselves that we do children a favor by ending their lives as they begin. |
PS: If you like to read bumper stickers, check out this one. 🙂