Do I Remember?

Either I’m sure I remember or I’m not sure I actually remember.

  1. John McCain said he would veto earmarked, pork-barrel bills.
  2. John McCain recently voted for the earmarked $700 billion bailout bill.
  3. Barack Obama said he wouldn’t do something or other regarding financing for his Presidential campaign.
  4. Barack Obama did indeed do that something or other.
  5. Barack Obama flunked “tests” that Dan Quayle was hounded and mocked about.
  6. Bob Dole resigned from the Senate to run for President.
  7. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, and Joe Biden didn’t resign from the Senate though they ran (or are yet running) for President or VP.
  8. Hillary said repeatedly she wouldn’t run for President.
  9. The media was very supportive of John McCain during the primary season.
  10. Joe Biden declared Obama someone who shouldn’t get on-the-job training in the Oval Office.
  11. Al Gore’s poll numbers in 2000 were pre-reminiscent of McCain’s in 2008.
  12. A Gerald Ford foreign-policy-type observation cinched the noose around his campaign.
  13. We were warned years ago about fluoride being put in water with the intent of making the American populace meek, mellow, gullible, and ripe for overthrow.

Do you think I remember? Or not?

PS: This list has been in Expansion Mode for several days. Time to post it.

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