Breaking: Bailout Blowout

OK, OK. I don’t have time for this.

But here’s a bit to acknowledge that this crisis thing is big stuff for this country (and for the world, no doubt).

House defeats financial industry bailout bill

The House has defeated the $700 billion bail-out legislation for the financial industry.

More than enough members of the House had cast votes to defeat the Bush administration-pushed bill, but the vote was held open for a while, apparently as efforts were under way to persuade people to change their vote.

On Wall Street, stocks plummeted as investors followed the developments in Congress.

I’m surprised they defeated it.

So it’s “the Bush administration-pushed bill” — never mind Pelosi-pushed, Reed-pushed, Franks-pushed, etcetera-pushed. 🙄

But they held the vote open?! I guess I’d forgotten they could do that while they tried to armtwist and/or threaten and/or entice persuade people to change their votes. Wow! 😯

And stocks plummeted. By more than 700 points at one point. But “only” 514 as I type.

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