Breakfast: Madras, Oregon


Wow, we had a “super duper good” breakfast here:

I’m telling you, Apple Peddlers feeds you well and feeds you big.

I ordered their Denver Omelet:

What you see of the omelet is half of what I got! I didn’t move it from where the “remains” sit…and what I ate went clear over to the edge of the plate nearest you.

I didn’t have room for quite all the omelet. The pancakes were left over, except I peeled off the crispy edge of the top one. I like crispy pancake edges.

For only $8.55 — Delicious!

Updated at 7:33 am on January 29: I should have said, we were driving that red Ford Explorer. It belongs to Luke and LaVay. But it could belong to you. It’s for sale.

3 thoughts on “Breakfast: Madras, Oregon”

  1. That omelet looks yummy but flat…maybe it is just the picture…Cole and I ate ate the Black Bear Diner there last fall on our way over to climb South Sister…it was OK… not great but OK… next time we will try The Apple Peddler… ;)..oh…you should have opted for the hash browns.. 😉

  2. In my estimation, “it is just the picture.” 🙂

    I rarely order restaurant pancakes. Generally, I would have gone for the hash browns and toast. In this case, it didn’t make any difference…I just didn’t have room. Although, come to think of it, I did eat a bit more this way since I like crispy pancake edges but not crispy hash brown edges. 😉

  3. I forgot to say — we paid $0.50 a cup for coffee and refills. I had three cups thereof. 😯

    I wonder if they have WiFi. If they do, they weren’t telling. And I didn’t haul out my ThinkPad to check.


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