Should I Run for President?

That matches the question that raced through my mind this morning:

Could I be President of the United States?

According to the US Constitution, I have to meet these three requirements:

  • be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • be at least thirty-five years old
  • be a resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.

I meet all three requirements. Easily.

Perhaps in a future post I’ll develop this idea further.


PS: I just read that Mr. Bloomberg de-Republican-ized himself. If he’s considering a run as an independent, maybe this post of mine will give him pause. If it doesn’t, let him spend his billion.

8 thoughts on “Should I Run for President?”

  1. Hey… maybe we would meet in a run off… I have had three..count them THREE actual human beings tell me they would vote for me for president!!! 😉

  2. Ha! 😀 I’ve actually considered you as my VP.

    (And since you bring three votes to the ticket, you have definitely increased your odds of being asked!)

  3. Oh man… this is too good to be true! I bet we combine for a full… 10…maybe a dozen votes…will that get us anywhere???

  4. And…actually…I am sure your strategy is brilliant…a conservative platform no doubt…but bringing me in to draw the moderates…absolutely brilliant Mr. Roth!

  5. Your optimism (ie, expecting 10-12 votes, possibly) breathes new life into this project.

    But if you honestly think you could bring that many votes, perhaps I should be VP.

    Regarding my platform, I hope to post on that in another day or two. (I need to visit the Edwards, Hillary, and Obama sites to see what I agree with, so I can appeal to their base.)

  6. Mark Roth for President? If I endorse you, can I be your Ambassador to a Spanish speaking country? Spain would be great, but I will settle for Costa Rica.

  7. Peter L, your endorsement surely merits more than a mere single-country ambassadorship. I think I still have an opening for UN Ambassador (or is it SecState that hasn’t been bid on yet?). Please stand by.


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