Not This Anabaptist

Ekklesia is reporting: US Anabaptists come out against depleted uranium weapons

A resolution against the use of depleted uranium weapons has been issued by the Church of the Brethren General Board. The action from the US Anabaptist came at a meeting held in conjunction with the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.

Declaring the use of depleted uranium weapons to be “a specific and compelling example of the sinfulness of war,” the resolution appeals for a halt to their manufacture….

Their headline would be more accurate with Some at the beginning.

I’ve not come out against depleted uranium weapons.

Just like I haven’t come out against any other specific weapon or weapons system.

That doesn’t mean I’m in favor of them.

It just means I don’t take that kind of stance.

I qualify as a US Anabaptist. In fact, I was one of the pioneering conservative Anabaptists on the Web with Anabaptists which I launched in June 1995, as I recall.

2 thoughts on “Not This Anabaptist”

  1. I am a member of the Church of the Brethren, have been all my life.
    Historically, we Anabaptist Brethren have had some very good qualitities Our basic theology was fundamental in its understandings, our commitment to social action on behalf of the genuinely poor and disadvantaged was pretty Christ-like, as we pursued “justice and peace,” and knew well what we meant by those terms. . That was who we were.

    Lately (and the resolution on depleted-uranium use is a great example) we have found ourselves more able to agree on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin than to discern Christ’s path and follow it. Once, we did well. Now, not so good, sometimes.


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