My Vote Didn’t Count


Come to think of it, though, my vote wasn’t solicited.

Lynn Vincent begins her rant at WorldMagBlog this way:

The world has heaped another honor on Albert Gore: The Nobel Peace Prize.

The world has?!

I guess I don’t understand how the Nobel Prize thingy works.

But never mind. Here’s more of what Lynn has to say:

I’m just not clear on how Gore’s pimping for a dubious corner of science qualifies him for this honor. This is a man who wrote (in his book, Earth in the Balance) that the first example of pollution in the Bible was when Cain slew Abel, spilling his blood on the ground (!!). Has the Nobel Peace Prize become more like getting elected global homecoming queen?

Well, like I said, my vote didn’t count.

I voted for Rush. 😀

Meanwhile, over at WizBangBlog, Kim Priestap begins her piece (An Inconvenient Truth) thus:

Yasser Arafat. Jimmy Carter. Now this . . . .

And concludes:

There was a time when winning the Nobel Peace Prize actually carried prestige, but no more. It’s nothing more than a left wing, environmentalist wacko, terrorist coddling, moonbat mutual admiration society.

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