Her Hub

No, not her husband. Her hub. As in hillaryhub.com — here’s a fresh screen shot:

Hillary Hub -- a new campaign site

That’s a funny name, I think. I wonder how long till some anti-Hillary launches hillarityhub.com as a counter. (Or hillarychub or hillaryflub or hillarybub or hillarybob or billaryhub or…)

I know there are more important things going on out there, but here are three more quick observations about the site as I saw it a bit ago.

Clintons Liquidate will surely resurrect comments about Vince Foster and Ron Brown. The folks at HH should have been more careful with that headline.

For these next two, you’ll need to click the above image to see a larger version providing detail in the grey bar.

Send us your tips makes her sound like a waitress.

Clinton’s Campaign Boss Also a Pioneer left me wondering (albeit, very briefly) if he enjoys listening to plymouth rock. The assertion of Pioneer-ship seems to go along with some other far-fetched claims made by Mrs. Clinton. At least some wag is bound to make such a connection.

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