USAirways, Here I Come

Were they being unreasonable?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations called Tuesday for an investigation into the behavior of airline staff and airport security in the removal of six Muslim scholars from a US Airways flight a day earlier.

I’ll shortly be on my way to Tucson International Airport for a flight to Oregon…on the same airline.

So I’m inclined to think it’s not the airline staff and security officials who should be investigated.

“We are concerned that crew members, passengers and security personnel may have succumbed to fear and prejudice based on stereotyping of Muslims and Islam,” Nihad Awad, the council’s executive director, said in a news release.

Is it possible such “stereotyping” might be based on the reality of 9/11 and subsequent events that could be classed as “self-inflicted stereotyping”?


Police were called after the captain and airport security workers asked the men to leave the plane and the men refused, Rader said.

Well, good deal.

If I don’t go through security and just take a round-about way and am then asked to stop and I refuse, whose fault is it for the ensuing detention and/or arrest?

Just comply with the initial request of those in authority and save everybody a bunch of trouble.

But then again, if it’s trouble I want . . . .

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