UAE: You’ll Have to Make Up Your Own Mind

Over the last week, it has been interesting to me to note the split among conservative talk radio hosts.

Now this morning I see WND pointing it out:

The heated issue of turning operating control of six major U.S. ports over to a state-sponsored company based in the United Arab Emirates is splitting some of the biggest names in American broadcasting, including Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly who favor the transfer, and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage who oppose it.

Snow. They left out Tony Snow. He supports the deal.

Larson? I don’t know where Lars stands. Ditto for John Gibson and Larry Elder.

Anyway, I guess it’s going to be up to you to make up your own mind.

Me? I still think it’s extremely questionable at best. So I suppose that puts me on Sean and Mike’s side. Oh boy.

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