The Slop Will Thicken

There’s been a lot of slop slung (and mud and muck) over the VP’s accidental shooting of a fellow hunter.

This will only worsen matters:

The Texas lawyer accidentally shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a weekend quail hunt suffered a minor heart attack on Tuesday when some of the birdshot migrated close to his heart, a hospital spokesman said.

Is anybody talking seriously about persecuting prosecuting Mr. Cheney, especially if his “victim’s” condition worsens seriously?

Give ’em time, I suspect.

(Maybe a result of all this will be VP Rice. Hmph.)

2 thoughts on “The Slop Will Thicken”

  1. Hey… that’s a perfcet plan that not even I had thought of… let me get this right… the VP shoots the lawyer and gets hammered to the place he is forced to resign so Condi can assume the VP role and thus ride Bush’s coat tails into the white house unchallenged by other republicans in 08… I love it!…. Hillary musty be fuming!….and trying to think who she can get her husband to shoot!!! 😉


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