Thank You, Sir

That was one of my first thoughts last night upon learning that President Ford had died.

Kim Priestap wrote over at WizBangBlog:

But my recollections of Gerald Ford were correct: he was a good, kind man, who, as President Bush said, was president when our country needed him most.

I remember Watergate. I remember Nixon’s resignation. I remember Ford’s pardon. I remember Mayaguez. I remember the fall of South Vietnam. I remember the assassination attempts. I remember the election defeat.

So was Mr. Ford a good President? I honestly don’t know. But that doesn’t matter. I am grateful for the good he did do. God raised him up to the Presidency and used him there for His purposes.

It just seems right to thank the man, albeit belatedly.

And in that context, it seems only right to also thank Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton, and Bush.

Thank you.

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