- I read news like this and half-wonder about the hue and cry about to be released on the “Arab street” and from the Muslim mosque:
- Thirty people were killed and 36 wounded when a suicide bomber attacked a Shiite Muslim funeral procession northeast of the Iraqi capital, police said.
What if this had been a mis-directed missile strike, say by Americans, British, or Israelis?
What if it had been caused by some “Christian” or Jewish zealot?
I remember not so long ago when all manner of warnings were issued against the US military to back off during Ramadan. Gotta show sensitivity and respect for Islam and Ramadan, you know.
Do these Muslim homicide bombers show respect and sensitivity for their own religion?
I say not.
But then again, maybe they’re no more Muslim than some “Christians” are Christian.
The answer is Jesus, folks, not some cultural-religious creed.