Really? Yaaaawwwn!

Stories like this one leave me bemused:

Children exposed to sex in TV programmes, films, magazines and music are more likely to engage in sexual activity than those who are not, according to research out today.

There is a direct relationship between the amount of sexual content a child sees and their level of sexual activity or their intentions to have sex in the future, the study found.

Such media also has at least an equal influence on sexual behaviour as religion or a child’s relationship with their parents and peers, the study said.

I suppose the marketers and advertisers out there are no more surprised than I.

Business puts information (marketing and advertising, you know) in front of people knowing that it will affect the behavior (desiring and acquiring, you know) of many.

So why should it even be a story that exposure to sex (as in marketing and advertising) affects the behavior (as in desiring and acquiring) of many?

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