Piltdown Fish?


No, I’m doubtful it is. But it makes for an interesting headline anyway. 🙂

This is quite the story:

Scientists have made one of the most important fossil finds in history: a missing link between fish and land animals, showing how creatures first walked out of the water and on to dry land more than 375m years ago.

Palaeontologists have said that the find, a crocodile-like animal called the Tiktaalik roseae and described today in the journal Nature, could become an icon of evolution in action – like Archaeopteryx, the famous fossil that bridged the gap between reptiles and birds.

Then, perhaps, we get to the real meat of the story:

As such, it will be a blow to proponents of intelligent design, who claim that the many gaps in the fossil record show evidence of some higher power.

Maybe that’s what makes this thing “one of the most important fossil finds in history.”

Let’s see how those IDers “spin” this one. 😉

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