Is this another anti-Israeli, pro-Hezbollah propaganda piece disgusted disguised as news?
Israeli commandos have struck deep into Lebanon, snatching five suspected Hezbollah guerrillas in a helicopter raid that spectacularly snubbed international pressure for an end to the three-week-old conflict.
struck deep into Lebanon = “The Israelis are really violating Lebanese sovereignty now.”
spectacularly snubbed = “The Israelis are still thumbing their nose at too many of us.”
while Hezbollah resumed raining rocket fire on Israel.
Hezbollah resumed = “They were provoked by the Israelis.”
Israel had called a 48-hour partial halt to air attacks after a raid on the Lebanese village of Qana on Sunday which killed 52 civilians, most of them children.
after a raid = “The Israelis did the Qana thing (and don’t bother us with what the new media is reporting about Hezbollah’s cold-blooded staged event).”
killed…civilians = “Who else but Israelis would kill non-combatants — you know, regular people like you, dear reader? These Jews obviously don’t know how to wage a war in a civilized way (and don’t harass us with the preposterous notion that Hezbollah fighters are dressing as civilians and operating from among civilians).”
children = “Killing harmless civilians living in their own homes out of their own free will is terrible enough, but this is beyond savagery. And we reject the outlandish anti-Arab idea that Hezbollah is callously using children and women as hostages, human-shields, and propaganda pieces.”
Local police said the Israelis snatched five people in the raid
people = “Just like you, these are civilians — not warriors, not terrorists, not Hezbollah. I’m telling you, someone needs to restrain these Israelis!”
That’s enough of that.
Am I being cynical or bothered or mocking or suspicious?
That seems quite likely, eh?