No Virgins for Him

So, they finally “got” al-Zarqawi. Too bad for him.


I wonder what he learned on the other side.

Meanwhile, over at Wizbang we learn that “Word of Zarqawi’s death is spreading throughout the blogosphere.”

Well no kidding.

And from Reuters, this:

The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi removes the man who took Iraq’s insurgency to new heights of savagery but it also creates a martyr whose inspiration will mobilize new recruits.

Arab and Western security analysts were agreed on Thursday that Zarqawi’s death in a U.S. air raid would not end the insurgency, even if it represents a rare triumph in Iraq for the Bush administration.

OK, that’s Reuters.

But let’s heave aside human perspective for now.

What do you suppose Jesus said to him on the other side?

And what’s al-Zarqawi thinking now?

And do I care?

Comment? Sure!

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