Loose Rubberband Gun


Not to be confused with a loose cannon, please. 😉

Here we have Mr. (not to be confused with reverend, for God alone is reverend) Robertson holding forth regarding Ariel Sharon’s stroke:

The Reverend Pat Robertson says Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s massive stroke could be God’s punishment for giving up Israeli territory.

He is right. It could be God’s punishment.

It also could be God saying, “Ariel, you’ve done what I sent you to do. Time to leave the scene.”

I much prefer Joel Rosenberg’s perspective to Pat Robertson’s. Here is just one paragraph from Rosenberg’s blog:

Let us pray, therefore, for the Israeli leader, for his family, his senior advisors, and for Vice Premier Ehud Olmert, who is now serving as acting Prime Minister as this difficult moment unfolds. Let us also pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the safety and protection of the Israeli people, who now face one of the most severe leadership crises in their modern history, even as terrorists smuggle arms into the West Bank and Gaza and Iran threatens to wipe Israel “off the map.”


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Above all, love God!