Keep the Theories in School?

Reuters reports:

The spiritual leader of the world’s Anglicans does not believe that creationism — the Bible-based account of the world’s origins — should be taught in schools.

Williams, head of a church which has no problem with the Darwinian theory of evolution, told the Guardian newspaper: “I think creationism is, in a sense, a kind of category mistake, as if the Bible were a theory, like other theories.”

Uhhhh, sir?

Do you mean only theories should be taught in school?

Here I thought facts, history, and reality were to be taught in schools.

There! I exposed my own quaintness!

Oh, for the record, here are two more paragraphs from the story:

Williams’ stance echoes the position of the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s largest single Christian denomination, which has weighed into the debate by praising a U.S. court decision that rejected the intelligent design theory as non-scientific.

Catholicism, which has never rejected evolution, teaches that God created the world and the natural laws by which life developed.

So where does your denomination/religion stand?

Where do you stand?

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