Good News: Rescued at Last!

From down under Down Under, this wonderful news:

Two Australian miners trapped a kilometer underground for 14 days walked out of the mine on Tuesday defiantly thrusting their arms into the air after rescuers reached them shortly before dawn.

Miners Brant Webb, 37, and Todd Russell, 34, wearing mining helmets with their lamps shining brightly and yellow jackets walked confidently to a large board and removed their name cards — declaring they had ended their shift underground.

Their wives quickly rushed to hug them before scores of rescuers descended on them hugging and shaking hands.

“This is the great escape. This is the biggest escape from the biggest prison we have, the planet,” said Australian Workers Union national secretary Bill Shorten.

Hurrah for the rescuers!

Hurrah for the resilience of the rescued ones!

And praise God!

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Above all, love God!